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毎週水曜日・13:30~14:30 1期8回受講
受講料 16,000円(8回分)
JamesWhat is your name? なまえはなんですか?
My name is James Curtis.
What do you teach? なにをおしえていますか?
I’ve taught English at various elementary schools and Jr. high schools throughout Nagano for over 10 years. Now I teach mostly adults online.
Where are you from? しゅっしんはどこですか?
I’m from North Carolina. (USA)
When is your birthday? たんじょうびはいつですか?
My birthday is December 7.
What is your hobby? しゅみはなんですか?
I like reading, exercise, computer programming, video games, and hanging out with my friends.
What is your favorite food? すきなたべものはなんですか?
I like spicy food! (not too spicy though)
Where have you traveled? どこにいったことがありますか?
I lived in South Korea many years ago.
What do you like about Japan? 日本の何が好きですか?
I like the language, the people, the environment, and especially the food.
What is your motto? 座右の銘は?
You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.